Puffel the penguin 1.2.5
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Games
Price: Free, Version: 1.2 -> 1.2.5 (iTunes)

Hello I am Puffel, I am so alone and I like to be your friend. Let me show you my home. Be my home designer :-).
Please do not forget to feed me. I like eating three fish a day. I need the power to go shopping with you. But for shopping, we need coins.
We can earn coins at the mini games.
Mini Games:
- find the pairs
- find the words
- swimming
- three cups and a the coins
- catch the coins
- reading
- sleeping
- dancing
- eating
- and many more
If you found a bug please send me an email: Ronald.Geisler@AsgardSoft.de
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Puffel the penguin