1000 Kanji Flash Cards for Japanese 1.6
Device: iOS Universal
Category: Education
Price: Free, Version: 1.5 -> 1.6 (iTunes)
This app has been superceded with our app "Simple Flash Card Maker" which allows you to make your own decks. It also has a "last 10" feature which lets you drill just the last 10 cards of your deck making it really convenient to drill 10 cards at a time before adding them to your main drill.
But that app is not free...
This is a free app for learning basic Japanese Kanji.
•includes cards for the first 440 Japanese kanji
•learn an English meaning for each kanji
•onyomi and kunyomi readings for each kanji
•over 1500 keywords which use only these kanji
•more than 2000 cards all together
•users may choose which individual cards make up each deck
•get a card right and it's taken out, get it wrong and it's shuffled back in
•add cards 10 at a time as you work through the whole pack
•swipe left for the next card
•swipe down if you get the card wrong (to shuffle it back in)
•swipe right to go back if you need to recheck a card
Regular practise and review is the only way to build your kanji knowledge.
What's New
We added a Deck button during the drill so you can easily add more cards to your deck.
We fixed a bug where the buttons on the Drill view didn't respond if you pressed and held. (Only tapping them very quickly was working).
We added an in-app purchase option to just drill the last 10 cards of your deck so you can learn those before adding them into the rest of your deck.
The same in-app purchase enables the "Just the Card" feature. If you rotate your device to landscape during a drill the card will resize to fill the screen. So it feels much more like you're doing a drill with a deck of flashcards in your hand.
1000 Kanji Flash Cards for Japanese